David Hayton Ltd are committed to observing our legal and ethical obligations towards fighting modern slavery and human trafficking and will continuously monitor and improve our practices in relation to this.
We are a family run business and our main purpose is the sale of new and used vehicles. We also offer repair and maintenance services.
We operate within the UK and majority of our goods supply is to UK-based consumers, although sales of some of our Prestige vehicles have taken our business further afield.
We are franchised partners with a number of motor manufacturers, who operate globally. Our connections are with the UK branches of these companies. Some new vehicles are sourced from Europe via these manufacturer connections but all other suppliers or sub-contractors we work with are UK-based.
It’s important to us that all our staff adhere to the policies we have in place throughout our business and that we create a comfortable environment for staff to approach us if they think something is wrong. We expect all of our directors, employees and suppliers to act in a way that demonstrates honesty and integrity.
We’re confident there are no instances of slavery or human trafficking within David Hayton Ltd and we will continue to monitor this and encourage staff to raise any concerns.
We have confidence in the policies and process of our current suppliers to prevent slavery and human trafficking in their own organisations and supply chain. We will monitor any changes to these, including new products or services they offer or changes to the territories they operate from.
Where new suppliers or contractors are required, we’ll seek assurances from those businesses that they take all necessary steps to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not present in their own supply chain.
If we feel there is a risk (due to geographical location or sector) that our supplier’s own business may be a high risk for slavery and human trafficking, we’ll request separate contractual assurances that it is not present.
If we don’t receive the assurances we need, we will cancel any supply arrangements with those businesses.
Training will be sourced and provided to relevant staff from time to time to ensure that David Hayton Ltd is free of modern slavery and human trafficking and that due diligence is being undertaken on suppliers.
We have a zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking and will continue to ensure that all those in our supply chain and contractors meet with our values, including paying employees at the prevailing minimum wage applicable within their relevant country of operation.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes David Hayton Ltd’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2020.
Chris Hayton
Managing Director
David Hayton Ltd
Dated: 1 st April 2021
Penrith Motor Auction,
Cowper Road,
Gilwilly Ind Est,
CA11 9BN